November 1993

The Lord spoke to then Sister Helen Rutherford, “Don’t let the sheep scatter.” To obey God, she prayerfully contacted Pastor Lula M. Williams and inquired how to move forward. Not being a minister herself, she was confused as to what part God would have her to play.

Pastor Williams encouraged her saying, “You have a basement, don’t you? And your daughter is a preacher…”

She contacted the saints, and they met in her basement for worship.

November 20, 1993

A meeting was held at 211 Grandview Avenue in Morganton, NC, the Rutherford residence, to discuss the need to organize a new church which would be under the Christian Holiness Church of God. The meeting opened with prayer led by Overseer Lenole Brown. 

Members expressed their desire to organize a church where everyone had a voice, the Holy Ghost would lead with all gifts in operation, leaders would be bold, and the location in town would offer easy access for all members to come together. In addition, the church would follow Biblical principles, including giving tithes and offerings.

Everything being said, Overseer Brown instructed members on how to take care of a pastor whenever one was appointed. He stated that all members should give tithes on a weekly basis, feed them, and include gas fare. A church name, St. Luke, was suggested by Sis. M. Avery and unanimously voted upon.

The founding members were:

      • Mother Willie Avery
      • Sis. Betty Happoldt
      • Bro. William Happoldt
      • Deacon Donald Taylor, Sr.
      • Sis. Rachel Taylor
      • Sis. Margaret Ann Avery
      • Sis. Helen Rutherford
      • Evangelist Janet Rutherford

November 21, 1993

The first official church service was held at the Rutherford residence. The opening song was “Glory, Glory Hallelujah (Since I Laid My Burdens Down).” Evangelist Janet Rutherford continued to faithfully feed the flock until Pastor Dianne A. Brown was appointed by Bishop W.O. McCullough, Sr. as pastor.

It was decided that each year, one Sunday in the month of November would be set aside for an annual homecoming and anniversary service.

1994 – 1995

St. Luke Christian Holiness Church of God continued having worship services at the Rutherford residence until financially stable enough to relocate to other community locations. The Lord gave the church favor with the Morganton Housing Authority and they were blessed to meet in three of their locations. The church later rented a small blue store front until a permanent location was built in 1995.

It was during this time, while in service on Wright St., the Lord used Rev. Lula M. Williams to a new church name.  While walking on the grass to enter the building, the Lord said to her, “Get off the grass or take off your shoes, this is holy ground. This is the Church of Opportunity.”

Certainly, the Lord was with us wherever we went and showed us great favor.

Under the leadership of Pastor Brown, the Lord blessed the church to build its current place of worship, making St. Luke a stationed church in December 1995.

Groundbreaking ceremony for the church

1996 – 2005

Following Pastor Brown’s years of service, the Lord ordained that Assistant Pastor Helen Rutherford would be appointed as the next leader of The Church of Opportunity.

Pastor Rutherford’s focus on unity and loving one another richly blessed the church and still does at this present time. Through her leadership, the church was able to purchase three acres of land connected to its property and looked to further expand on the house of God! We all hold her mottos in our hearts:

      • “Little is much when God is in it.”
      • “No big I(s) and little you(s).”
      • “It’s a mighty poor frog that won’t praise his own pond.”
      • “The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”
      • “Have a prayer life and read at least one scripture daily.”

October 2005

Aaron S. Hooper was appointed pastor over St. Luke Church of Opportunity and bishop of the Western District of the Christian Holiness Church of God. With Elder Rutherford as his assistant pastor, Bishop Hooper and the church family grew together.

The Lord blessed the church to grow spiritually, physically, and financially. Through team building and an unwavering commitment to teach, preach, and live the whole word of God, The Church of Opportunity continued to keep the vision.


St. Luke Church of Opportunity branched out to Marion, NC and established Living Stones Christian Holiness Church of God. The Church was themed The House of Praise!


God blessed the church to find favor with Mr. Fred Moses. St. Luke purchased five more acres of land from him for future expansion.

Pastor Arell Rutherford, a faithful member and minister of the church, was appointed to Living Stones as pastor, and Pastor Janet Rutherford, as assistant. We thank God for Living Stones; they are forever sons and daughters of The Church of Opportunity.

September 8, 2015

Elder Helen Rutherford took rest. Bishop Hooper shared her last words to the church at her homegoing. The song, “He Looked Beyond My Fault (And Saw My Need)” and the word, “The Lord is my Shepherd” were part of the service. Good night, Elder, until we meet again.


In 2016, St. Luke parted with the Christian Holiness Church of God. The decision was very difficult for leadership, but after prayer, we knew it was the will of God. Our love and respect for Apostle L. Brown and the saints will never end, and they are continually in our prayers. The years that followed were hard as the church struggled to find its footing.


In 2018, the Lord brought revival to The Church of Opportunity concerning His word. Bishop Hooper established Let’s Talk Bible, and God revealed Himself through that setting.

At one Wednesday night session, Trustee Russell Corpening, Sr. asked the question, “Why do we not observe the Holy Sabbath?”

After much study and prayer, the Lord revealed His truth to the church: that the fourth commandment is just as holy as the rest, and it is pleasing to the Father that his people observe the Seventh Day Sabbath.

In the church’s seeking, the Lord allowed Elder George Isbell to share with Bishop Hooper a Facebook link to Bible Way #2. There, the Lord used Pastor Dr. Gladys McClary to confirm and provide detailed teaching on the Holy Sabbath and its observance amongst the saints.

From this, the Lord formed a spiritual connection between The Church of Opportunity and Bible Way #2 Commandment Keepers Church of The Living God.

July 7, 2019

The Church of Opportunity held our first Sabbath service, and we continue to honor God’s Holy Sabbath and keep His commandments through the power of His grace.

As we expected God to continue to add to our church history, the words of Johnson Oatman, Jr. resounded in the heart, “I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day; Still praying as I onward bound, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”


Covid-19. The season brought new trials. A pandemic tested the world. Our pastor and church faced issues that were unimaginable. Service was brought to a complete stop at times. Our church, along with others in the community and around the world, learned what it meant to close its physical doors. Services on social media became common. When we were blessed to be in the sanctuary, the number was limited to ten and temperatures were checked at the driveway or outdoors. These were trying times to say the least.

Many of the saints endured the virus. We rejoice that God took us through sickness and preserved our lives. The testimonies are far too vast to record in this history, but believe every word when we sum it all up with “It Was Nobody But God!” Our hearts go out to all those who lost their lives in this horrible pandemic. Let us never forget.

June 29, 2021

Senior Mother Willie Avery fell asleep. Days after her 92nd birthday she peacefully went to rest in the Lord. Oh, how we miss her! Her love for her church, the young people, and missions continue to shine in our hearts. Her witness will always remain, “I’m giving honor to the Father, honor to the Son, I’m giving honor to the Holy Ghost!” Rest easy, Mother, we’ll see you in the morning.

While preparing for the homegoing services of Mother Avery, God gave to Bishop Hooper the church anthem, “We Are The Church of Opportunity.” The anthem was first sung at Mother Avery’s homecoming. The chorus is sung every Sabbath after scripture and the anthem is often used as the choral response after prayer.

August 15, 2021

The Church of Opportunity began regaining its steps. At the hour of four o’clock, Overseer Romey Patterson was officially confirmed an overseer by The Church of Opportunity and installed as the executive pastor in a monumental service. Bishop Hooper, along with celebrants Apostle Stacy T. Glover and Apostle Albert Enlow, joyfully commissioned and installed Overseer Patterson. Bishop Michael Frink charged both the man and congregation with a powerful word, “Disciples with Responsibilities.”

During the service, Bishop Hooper also made known that The Church of Opportunity would host its first Holy Convocation in 2021. History was being made during tumultuous situations.

The Church of Opportunity presses on, and the best is yet to come. God calls to us through the roaring calamities, “Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city.” (Isaiah 52:1a)

We thank an all-wise and everlasting God for all he has enabled us to do.  We thank him for the time that we have together and fellowship of his saints.  It is our prayer that as our history and family grows, the Lord will stay the center of our joy and head of our life!